Male Sexual Anatomy and Physiology

Suggested links for further exploration of topics related to this chapter
are found below with a brief description of what you can expect to find if you follow each link.

Male Circumcision
New device makes circumcison safer and cheaper
BBC NEWS World Radio and TV
5:46 minutes video and article about a new simple plastic device, which needs no anesthetic, surgery or stitches and will be used to circumcise up tp two million men in Rwanda.
Prepex website
The website of the company featured in the BBC video above
Clearinghouse on Male Circumcision for HIV prevention
The research that Prepex believes supports circumcision (and therefore their product)'t
Circumcision and HIV
Highlighting how controversial the claim that circumcision helps prevent HIV may be
Circumcision and Cancer
Highlighting how controversial the claim that circumcision helps prevent cancer may be
Circumcision Information and Resource Pages (CIRP)
This site has two main parts: The Circumcision Reference Library contains technical material, medical and historical articles, and statistics.  The Circumcision Information Pages contain a more readable collection of information, suitable for parents and educators.
The table of contents for the Circumcision Information Pages links to the following topics:
Information for parents,  Circumcision Reference Library, Anatomy of the Penis and Mechanics of Intercourse: An Illustrated Guide,  What happens during a circumcision?  Foreskin restoration,  Rationales for Routine Circumcision, Cultural and Religious Issues,  Female Circumcision, Declaration of the First International Symposium on Circumcision,  Literature about circumcision,  Circumcision in the News,  Book Reviews,  Reader's Feedback,  Links to excellent material located elsewhere,  List of publications, information and resource centers.
Frequently Asked Questions about Infant Circumcision
Found at the CIRP site mentioned above, this is an excellent collection of answers to the following questions:  What is circumcision?  What is the foreskin there for?  What are some reasons that circumcision is performed?  Hygeine.  If my son isn't circumcised, won't it have to be done later?  If my son isn't circumcised, won't he be teased?  What are some reasons not to have my son circumcised?  Is circumcision painful?  Does infant circumcision have risks?  What if we want to have our son circumcised?  When and why was routine neonatal circumcision introduced in English-speaking Western countries?  Where can I get more information?

Anatomy of the Penis, Mechanics of Interourse
Found at the CIRP site mentioned above, this is a good place to see anatomical drawings of the penis with or without the foreskin present and what happens to a circumcised penis during an erection compared to what happens to an uncircumcised penis during an erection.
Newborns: Care of the uncircumcised penis
Found at the CIRP site mentioned above, this is a good place to read about when you can expect to be able to retract the foreskin and how to care for and clean the penis.
Penile hygiene for intact (non-circumcised) males
Found at the CIRP site mentioned above, this is a good place to read about how to care for and clean the adult penis.
Circumcision and urinary tract infection
Found at the CIRP site mentioned above, this is a good place to read about controversies surrounding the type of data used to assert that circumcision prevents or leads to increased urinary tract infections.
The prepuce, circumcision, and disease
Hygiene and smegma
More helpful information from the CIRP website

Testicular Cancer & Testicular Self - Exam

It's Not About the Easy Path
A review of Lance Armstrong's book by a cancer survivor who relates to and learns from his story of surviving testicular cancer.

Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia
Prostate Enlargement: Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia
National Kidney and Urologic Diseases Information Clearinghouse
Information on the following topics:
The Prostate Gland, BPH: A Common Part of Aging, Why BPH occurs, Symptoms, Diagnosis, Treatment, Your Recovery After Surgery in the Hospital, Do's and Don'ts, Getting Back to Normal, Sexual Function After Surgery, Is Further Treatment Needed? Hope Through Research, Additional Reading, Glossary

Penis Size and Penis Enlargement
Human penis size
Wikipedia article
Penis enlargement
Wikipedia article