Sexually Transmitted Diseases – Study Guide – Topics and Questions


1.Know which organism causes Chlamydia infection.

                (know the full name of the organism and the type of organism

- is it a Bacteria? Virus? Protozoan? Fungus? Insect? Mite?)

2.Know which is the most common bacterial STD in the United States.

3.Know three types of infection that are commonly caused by Chlamydia in women:

                (urethritis, cervicitis, PID).

Know the main symptoms that accompany each of these infections:

(urethritis – burning sensation when urinating

cervicitis – vaginal discharge

PID – pelvic pain)

4.Know two types of infection that Chlamydia can cause in men:

(epididymitis, urethritis)

                Know the main symptoms that accompany each of these infections:

                (epididymitis – pain in scrotum

                urethritis – burning sensation when urinating)

5.Know which organism causes Gonorrhea.

                (know the full name of the organism and the type of organism

                - is it a Bacteria? Virus? Protozoan? Fungus? Insect? Mite?)

6.Know the two most common signs of gonococcal infection in men.

                (penile discharge, burning with urination)

7.Know which organism causes Syphilis.

                (know the full name of the organism and the type of organism

                - is it a Bacteria? Virus? Protozoan? Fungus? Insect? Mite?)

8.Know the 4 phases of untreated syphilis:

primary, secondary, latent, and tertiary.

Know the characteristic symptoms associated with each phase.

9.Know whether a chancre is likely to be painful or not.

10.Know what the initials PID stand for and what PID means.

11.Know 3 important complications of PID: infertility, ectopic pregnancy & pain (scar-tissue adhesions).

12.Know which organism causes Herpes.

                (know the full name of the organism and the type of organism

                - is it a Bacteria? Virus? Protozoan? Fungus? Insect? Mite?)

13.Know the difference between HSV-1 and HSV-2:

                Where does each type typically cause lesions to form?

                How is each type typically transmitted?

14.Know whether HSV can be transmitted from a person with no symptoms.

15.Know whether herpes can be cured or not (can you ever get rid of the virus from your body?).

                (there is currently no cure for herpes)

16.Know the following term and its meaning: “prodromal symptoms”

17.Know which organism causes Genital Warts.

                (know the full name of the organism and the type of organism

                - is it a Bacteria? Virus? Protozoan? Fungus? Insect? Mite?)

18.Know which of the hepatitis virus types (A or B or C)…

                …is transmitted most often by the fecal–oral route.

…is transmitted most often through sexual activity.

…is transmitted most often through blood or blood products.

…have vaccines available for prevention.

19.Know the name of the organism that usually causes Bacterial Vaginosis

                (know the full name of the organism and the type of organism

                - is it a Bacteria? Virus? Protozoan? Fungus? Insect? Mite?)

20.Know whether a woman can get Bacterial Vaginosis if she has never had intercourse.

21.Know which organism causes vulvovaginal candidiasis (“yeast” infection)

(know the full name of the organism and the type of organism

- is it a Bacteria? Virus? Protozoan? Fungus? Insect? Mite?)

22.Know what kind of vaginal infection is associated with a white, clumpy discharge (like cottage cheese).

23.Know which organism causes Trichomoniasis.

                (know the full name of the organism and the type of organism

                - is it a Bacteria? Virus? Protozoan? Fungus? Insect? Mite?)

24.Know which organism causes Pubic lice.

                (know the common names of the organism (pubic lice, crabs) and the type of organism

                - is it a Bacteria? Virus? Protozoan? Fungus? Insect? Mite?)

25.Know how long pubic lice can survive away from the body.

26.Know the name of the organism that causes the Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS)

(know the full name of the organism and the type of organism

- is it a Bacteria? Virus? Protozoan? Fungus? Insect? Mite?)

27.Know who has the greatest risk of becoming HIV infected through heterosexual intercourse

with an infected partner. (the female or the male?).

28.Know which type of intercourse is most likely to result in HIV transmission.

(anal intercourse or vaginal intercourse?).

29.Know the term seroconversion and what it means.

30.Know what is the typical length of the incubation time for AIDS in adults.

31. What is the minimum number of different drugs HIV treatment should include? (Answer:3)

[notice: I asked for the number of  different drugs NOT the number of pills

– The patient might take several pills of each kind of drug per day]

32. What does PrEP stand for? What does it do?

                (Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis)

(prevent HIV infection by taking medications before exposure to the virus)


The table below includes the answers to ten of the objectives in this study guide.

(All the objectives that are given to you in underlined bold type)




Chlamydia            Chlamydia trachomatis                     bacteria

Gonorrhea             Neisseria gonorrhoeae                      bacteria

Syphilis                  Treponema pallidum                         bacteria


Herpes                   Herpes simplex (HSV)                       virus

Genital Warts       Human papillomavirus (HPV)       virus

Hepatitis                Hepatitis A, B, & C virus                  virus


Bacterial Vaginosis             Gardnerella vaginalis                        bacteria

Candidiasis                           Candida albicans                               fungus (yeast)

Trichomoniasis                    Trichomonas vaginalis                      protozoan


Pubic lice / crabs                  Phthirus pubis                                     insect

Scabies mites                        Sarcoptes scabiei                                mite


AIDS      Human Immunodeficiency virus (HIV)       virus