Female Sexual Anatomy and Physiology
the Breast

Suggested links for further exploration
are found below with a brief desciption of what you can expect to find if you follow each link.

Breasts exam, Breast lumps, Breast appearance

Have you seen pictures of normal non-sexual breasts?
This site helps to provide some balance to the way breasts are usually displayed in advertising and in various media. Most breasts do not look like the media ideals. If more variety of breasts were visible (as they are at this site in photos) maybe women wouldn't feel as inadequate about their own and men wouldn't be as fixated on the breast as a sexual object.

Breast Implants

FDA website - What to know about breast implants
General advice about choosing whether to have implants, what type to choose, what consequences might occur

FDA website - Breast implant associated anaplastic large cell lymphoma
Information about a newly-discovered link between implants and a type of (lymphoma) cancer

NIH website - article about costs associated with implant monitoring and removal
FDA website
provides information about breast implants such as:
Implants and Prosthetics, Breast Implants, Regulatory History of Breast Implants in the U.S., Saline-Filled Breast Implants, Silicone Gel-Filled Implants, Labeling for Approved Breast Implants, Breast Implant surgery, Risks of Breast Implants, Breast Implant Complications Booklet, Anaplastic Large Cell Lymphoma (ALCL), Other Resources.

Photographs and or Illustrations of Breast Implant Complications
provided by the FDA

Breast Cancer

A Breast Oncologist, Diagnosed With The Disease
An interview with Dr. Marisa Weiss that aired on the NPR Fresh Air program December 14 2010.
Quote from the NPR website:
"Over the past 20 years, Dr. Marisa Weiss has treated thousands of women diagnosed with breast cancer. But in April 2010, the founder of the website breastcancer.org found herself on the other side of the examining table. After a routine mammogram, she was diagnosed with a breast tumor."
This is an interesting interview with a woman who is both doctor and patient - about her personal experience with cancer and her views of why breast cancer is epidemic in today's world.

An online resource for breast cancer information and support, providing over 6,000 pages of expert-reviewed information on all aspects of breast cancer - from diagnosis through treatment and beyond. Breastcancer.org also hosts a vibrant peer support community with more than 65,000 registered members
Booklets and brochures available by mail from breastcancer.org
includes a link to a booklet you can download as a PDF file entitled:
Your Guide to the Breast Cancer Pathology Report

American Cancer Society Webpage information about Breast Cancer
Topics Include: What is Breast Cancer? Causes, Risk Factors, and Prevention, Early Detection, Diagnosis, and Staging, Treating Breast Cancer, Talking With Your Doctor, After Treatment, What's New in Breast Cancer Research? Other Resources and References

Look Good...Feel Better
This is the website of a program that helps cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy or radiation therapy look and feel beautiful in spite of complications like hair loss. The organization provides videos, booklets and workshops on topics such as choosing and wearing a wig or head scarves, using makep to create eyebrows etc.

The Breast Cancer Risk Assessment Tool - Calculating Your Risk
If you are over 35 years old, the answers you give to the questions at this website can result in a personalized assessment of your risk of developing breast cancer. However this website is actually designed for use by health care providers - not patients.