Female Sexual Anatomy and Physiology
General Information
Suggested links for further exploration
are found below with a brief desciption of what you can expect to find if you follow each link.
Tampon Use
Text and illustrations that explain how to use a Tampon
From The Period Blog
Text and video that explain how to use a tampon
From the Center For Young Women's Health
Just the video link from YouTube about how to use a tampon.
This is the same video as is embedded in the Center For Young Women's Health web page
Female Genital Mutilation
Desert Flower Foundation
Waris Dirie founded an organization to stop female geniral mutilation
Here you can find out about that foundation and about Waris Dirie
Wikipedia article about Waris Dirie
Also contains external links including the Readers Digest version of her story
Wikipedia article about Female Genital Mutilation (FGM)
Description of what is involved in various types of FGM, also historical and cultural information and information about consequences to a womans health and life
Female Genital Mutilation
Policy Statement of the American Academy of Pediatrics
from: Pediatrics Volume 102, Number 1 July 1998, pp 153-156
Covers topics such as: Types of Female Genital Mutilation, Cultural and Ethical Issues, Education of Patients and Parents, Recommendations, and References.
Female Genital Mutilation (Female Circumcision)
from the ReligiousTolerance.org website
Headings of what is covered include: Summary, FGM: A cultural not a religious practice, What It Is, In which countries is it practiced? Why is it Done? Debate Among Muslims, Reaction by the rest of the world, UN Activity, Sources of additional FGM iformation
Our Bodies Ourselves
Our Bodies Ourselves (OBOS) - Book Companion Site
Women's Health Information Resource Center
Contains Companion content to the classic book OBOS, Excerpts from the book, Web links & resources, and Women's Health News.