Suggested links for further exploration of topics related to this chapter
are found below with a brief description of what you can expect to find if you follow each link.
Emergency Contraception
plannedparenthooddotorg: Emergency Contraception (EC)
Detailed information on Emergency Contraception is provided here. The Emergency Contraception (EC) Website
(available in English, Spanish and French)
Includes information such as the following:
Information on Emergency Contraceptive Pills
Tips To Callers - How to be an advocate on your own behalf if you need to call a provider to get EC.
Provider Search - Enter your zip code here and you will get a list of local providers who are able to prescribe emergency contraception.
31 page review article entitled Emergency Contraception: A Last Chance to Prevent Unintended Pregnancy
by James Trussell, PhD and Elizabeth G. Raymond, MD, MPH
Is the story about Preven and the Planned Parenthood boycott of Walmart true -- or is it an urban legend or hoax?
Scam answers this question.
Emergency Contraception: Plan B
Site provided by Duramed Pharmaceuticals Inc. (a subsidiary of Barr Pharmaceuticals)
Provides information on:
What is Plan B? Is Plan B safe? How effective is Plan B?
What happens when there is no plan B
Personal essay by a woman who had an abortion because she could not get plan B on time.
'Morning After' Pill Is Cleared for Wider Sales
August 24 2006 article by Gardiner Harris of The New York Times
FDA Approves Plan B's Over-the-Counter Sale
August 25 2006 article by Rob Stein of the Washington Post