Q1 (originally Q1). Know what length of time a couple must spend attempting to conceive without having any success before they fall under the technical definition of experiencing infertility. [do not use the books advice to consult a physician after 6 months]

Q2 (originally Q7). ( Not in textbook directly/correctly ) Do a majority or a minority of couples who use assisted reproductive techniques become biological parents?

Q3 (originally Q8). What is one common risk of fertility treatments that succeed in causing pregnancy?

Q4 (originally Q17). Know during what time-span within a pregnancy (with no risk factors) sexual activity and orgasm may be continued.

Q5 (originally Q21). Know when the fetal movements can first be felt by the pregnant woman. (by which month of the pregnancy?)

Q6 (originally Q23). Not in textbook. Know what dietary substance can decrease the chance of a pregnant woman giving birth to a baby with a neural tube defect (such as spina bifida or anencephaly).

Q7 (originally Q24). Know what substance is the leading cause of birth defects & developmental disabilities in the U.S.

Q8 (originally Q26). Know how many weeks is the typical length of a full term pregnancy.

Q9 (originally Q28). Know the names of the three stages of labor - know what happens in each stage - know how long each stage typically lasts.

Q10 (originally Q30). Know three benefits of breast feeding.