Pregnancy – Study Guide – Topics and Questions

Chapter Eleven (11th and 10th editions)


1.Know what length of time a couple must spend attempting to conceive without having any success

before they fall under the technical definition of experiencing infertility.

[do not use the books advice to consult a physician after 6 months]

2.Know approximately what percentage of infertility cases involve male factors.

3.Be able to list three problems that can cause female infertility.

4.Be able to list three problems that can cause male infertility.

5.Know what is the optimal frequency of ejaculation during intercourse when pregnancy is desired

and the sperm count is low.

6.Know the following terms, their abbreviations, and their meanings:

ICSI or intracytoplasmic sperm injection

AI or artificial insemination

IVF or in vitro fertilization

surrogate mother

not in textbook PGD or preimplantation genetic diagnosis

7. Not in textbook directly Do a majority or a minority of couples who use assisted reproductive techniques

become biological parents?

8.What is one common risk of fertility treatments that succeed in causing pregnancy?

(answer: multiple births)

9.Know the name of the hormone measured in the urine or blood when a pregnancy test is done.

10.Know what is the earliest time after conception…

…that a home urine test can detect pregnancy.

11.For each of the following abortion procedures be able to briefly describe

(a)     what happens during the abortion process and

(b)     at what stage of pregnancy each procedure is most commonly used:

(how many weeks after last menstrual period)

Suction curettage

Dilation and evacuation (D & E)

RU-486 (Mifepristone) (medical abortion)

12.Know how many office visits are usually necessary

for a woman who uses RU-486 for ending a pregnancy.

[see the figure legend to the diagram showing how medical abortion works]

13.Know whether or not male partners have any legal rights to demand or deny abortion for the woman.

14.Know the year in which the U.S. Supreme Court decided Roe v. Wade

and what that legal decision allowed women to do.

15. Not in textbook Be able to list three physical changes that often occur (in the woman)

during the first three months of pregnancy.

16.Be able to list three fears or concerns a man may have during his wife’s pregnancy.

17.Know during what time-span within a pregnancy (with no risk factors)

sexual activity and orgasm may be continued.

18. Not in textbook Know under what conditions coitus or orgasm should not occur during pregnancy.

19.Know the following terms and their meanings:

zygote, blastocyst

20.Know when the fetal heartbeat can first be heard by Doppler ultrasound.

(by which week after a woman’s last menstrual period?).

21.Know when the fetal movements can first be felt by the pregnant woman.

(by which month of pregnancy?).

22.Know the term placenta - what it refers to - and what function(s) it serves.

23. Not in textbook Know what dietary substance can decrease the chance of a pregnant woman

giving birth to a baby with a neural tube defect (such as spina bifida or anencephaly).

24.Know what substance is the leading cause of birth defects & developmental disabilities in the U.S.

25. Not in textbook Know what the following procedures involve

and at what stage of pregnancy they are usually performed:

amniocentesis [usually done during 14th – 16th week]

chorionic villus sampling (CVS) [can be done as early as the 10th week]

26.Know how many weeks is the typical length of a full term pregnancy.

                (I would like you to learn it in terms of weeks after the last menstrual period

                rather than weeks after conception - since this is the dating terminology used clinically)

27. Not in textbook Be able to list the three most common birthplace alternatives used in America.

                (the three types of locations that women choose to be in when giving birth)

28.Know the names of the three stages of labor

know what happens in each stage

know how long each stage typically lasts

29.Know the following terms and what they mean:

indirectly in textbook dilation



not in textbook episiotomy

cesarean section

not in textbook epidural

postpartum period

30.Know three benefits of breast feeding.