sex research: methods and problems

the goals of Sexology

non experimental research methods

the experimental method

technology in sex research


obstacles to studying sex




value judgments


goals of sexology

understand sexual behavior

what is normal vs. abnormal?







predict sexual behavior

teenage behavior

marital adjustment

sex offenders



control sexual behavior

sex offenders

“sexual inadequacy”



teenage pregnancies



methods of sexology

case study


direct observation

experimental method


case study

in-depth exploration of the behaviors, thoughts and

feelings of one subject or several individual subjects


limited generalizabilty of findings



a large number of people are asked questions

about sexual experiences or attitudes


oral (face-to-face or telephone) interview

paper and pencil questionnaires

computer questionnaires


representative samples

would include the same distribution of


economic status

geographic locale

religious affiliation etc.

as the target population


random samples

select subjects randomly

without regards to subgroups





anonymous – minimal distortion

can be evaluated more objectively than interviews



if the questions are confusing

clarification is possible


skillful interviewers

can establish excellent rapport

to get more revealing responses


problems of surveys

non response

self-selection or “volunteer bias”

demographic bias

inaccurate disclosure


Alfred Kinsey – survey research

1948 – Sexual Behavior in the Human Male

1953 – Sexual Behavior in the Human Female


historical context

1948 – Kinsey publishes

                Sexual Behavior in the Human Male

1901 – Death of Queen Victoria

                and end of the Victorian Era

                (but not all the beliefs and values of that era)


Victorian, a. 1. Of or characteristic of the time when

Victoria was Queen of England (1837-1901).

2. Showing the middle-class respectability,

prudery, bigotry, etc. generally attributed to

the Victorians.

Webster’s New Universal Unabridged Dictionary

Second Edition ©1983


[picture of Queen Victoria]





E.H. Ruddock, M.D.

Originally published 1899

1930 edition reproduced in 1995 by

Applewood Books, Inc.


family bedroom

[picture of two beds separated by

a little table and lamp]


1947 standards: movie and television censors

required at least one foot between the twin beds in

any bedroom scene of a married couple

[picture of couple in separate beds]



Who should and who should not occupy the same

bed. Both health and life involved in this matter.


Married persons should adopt more generally

The rule of sleeping in separate rooms, or at least

in separate beds.



A man must not let his passion become selfish,

and demand what a woman cannot and should not

give. The man must bear in mind that while he

is always passionate a woman’s constitution

differs and can properly meet him only



The wife, on the other hand, should also recognize

the reasonable need of her husband’s natural desires,

and while restraining indulgence with proper

periods of rest, which vary according to conditions,

from two weeks to two months, or longer, should

not be [stingy].


[picture of healthy looking man]

[picture of sickly looking man]

The above is an illustration of D.S. Burton of Harris, Pa., before the habits

of secret vice begun to tell on him.

The illustration on the following page shows the same young man three

years later when he had become an inveterate victim of the vice.


Masturbation – Sometimes boys and young men are

tempted to abuse the sex organs. If one, because of

ignorance or weakness, makes this a practice, he

runs the risk of missing the vigor he might

otherwise achieve. Other serious effects are the

weakening of the will-power and the loss of self-



To continue this habit will cause epilepsy, softening

of the brain, insanity and moral imbecility.


The writer has visited many insane asylums

throughout the United States and found out from the

wardens that a majority of the inmates were there

from this debasing vice.


[picture of someone with an absent stare]

[picture of someone with a drooling tongue]

[picture of someone with strange eyes]

A – General appearance of the features through Onanism

B – The meager appearance of the features through Onanism

C – Spermatorrhael Opthalmia consequent through Onanism

From Boyhood’s perils and manhood’s curse, 1858

As reproduced in the article:

Sexual behavior and its medicalization: in sickness and in health

by Graham Hart and Kaye Wellings

BMJ USA Volume 2 August 2002 page 464


Masturbation ‘cuts cancer risk’

BBC News UK Edition

Last updated Wednesday, 16 July, 2003

Australian researchers

1,000 men with prostate cancer

1,250 men without prostate cancer

ejaculation >5x/week

reduced cancer risk by 1/3


the Kinsey study (based on surveys)

all volunteers



better educated,

city dwelling,



Alfred Kinsey the entomologist studying gall wasps

[picture of Kinsey with a pile of galls on the ground]

[picture of galls induced on white oak tree for larval development]

[picture of galls induced on willow oak tree for larval development]


Sexual Behavior in the Human Male

Sexual Behavior in the Human Female

©1948, 1953 W.B. Saunders Company

[picture of the spines of both books]

[picture of Kinsey performing an interview with a volunteer]


Sexual Behavior in the Human Male

Alfred C. Kinsey, Wardell B. Pomeroy, Clyde E. Martin

©1948 W.B. Saunders Company

804 pages

162 tables

173 figures

Historical introduction, Interviewing technique,

Statistical problems, and Validity of Data occupy

first 150+ pages


TO the twelve thousand persons who have

contributed to these data AND TO the eighty-

eight thousand more who, someday, will help

complete this study.


As a teacher in biology, the senior author has had his students

bring him the usual number of questions about sex.

On investigating biologic, psychiatric, and

sociologic studies to secure answers to some of these


the author, as a taxonomist, was struck with the inadequacy

of the samples on which such studies were being based,

and the apparent unawareness of the investigators that

generalizations were not warranted on the bases of such small


Sexual Behavior in the Human Male pg. 9


…The sex studies were on a very different scale from the

insect studies where…

…we had had 150,000 individuals available for the study of

a single species of gall wasp.

Sexual Behavior in the Human Male pg. 9


Figure 3. (p. 80) Principle involved in a twelve-way breakdown

Showing items used in the analyses in the present study



breakdowns          no. classes             total population


sex                                          2              male                       female


race                                        2+           white                      negro


marital status                        3              single              married             prev. m              

age of adolescence             5                             

age                                          10

educational level                                 6

occupation-subject              9

occupation-parent               9

religious group                     3+

religious adherence            4

rural-urban                           3+


Figure 2. Sample history in code (pg. 72)

In each history, 521 items have been explored;

but since a subject is questioned only about those

things in which he has specific experience, the

actual number of items covered in each case is

usually nearer 300

(pg. 63)

[picture of coded data on a history sheet]


interview code sheet


Interviewer had to memorize:

items to be covered,

placement of answers,

and code symbols/meanings

Each respondent assigned a number

Code did not exist in written form

[picture of coded data on a history sheet]



92% of males, 62% of females

at least one same-sex experience to orgasm

37% of males, 13% of females

premarital sex

67-98% of males (depending on socioeconomic level)

about 50% of females

at least one experience with prostitutes

69% of white males

females never reaching orgasm in their marital coitus



Marital Intercourse: individual variation in frequencies pg. 570

[6 data sets graphed for married males

Age 21-25 Education 0-8th grade

Age 21-25 Education 9th-12th grade

Age 21-25 Education 13th grade+

Age 26-30 Education 0-8th grade

Age 26-30 Education 9th-12th grade

Age 26-30 Education 13th grade+]


Figure 151 (Detail) Sexual Behavior in the Human Male pg. 570

Marital intercourse:

individual variation in frequencies

ages 21-25

having at least one year of college education

percent of each population (vertical axis)

which has marital intercourse

with each type of frequency (horizontal axis)

(frequency per week)





0x/week                                0%

0.5x/week             5%           xxxxx

1.0x/week             11%        xxxxxxxxxxx

1.5x/week             8%           xxxxxxxx

2.0x/week             15%        xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

2.5x/week             12%        xxxxxxxxxxxx

3.0x/week             12%        xxxxxxxxxxxx

3.5x/week             11%        xxxxxxxxxxx

4.0x/week             8%           xxxxxxxx

4.5x/week             3%           xxx

5.0x/week             4%           xxxx

5.5x/week             1%           x

6.0x/week             4%           xxxx

6.5x/week             1%           x

7.0x/week             5%           xxxxx

7.5x/week             0%

8.0x/week             1%           x

8.5x/week             0%          

9.0x/week             1%           x

9.5x/week             0%

10.0x/week           1%           x




Table 152. Clinical Tables


[Table 152 occupies 12 pages]         


[picture of one page of this table]


Sources of sexual outlet [orgasm] for single white males age

21-25 who (have/will have) at least 1 year of college education.

Sexual Behavior in the Human Male pg. 700.




Table 152. Clinical Tables (continued)


Age: 21-25

Educ level 13+


Source                                                   Frequency per week           Percent of Total Outlet

Of Outlet               Cases      Incid%    Range     Mean      Median  Range     Mean      Median


Total                       1898       100         21.0        2.5          1.9          ---            ---            ---

Masturbation        1898       87           15.0        1.5          0.9          100         59.4        65.2

Emission                 1898       87           7.0          0.4          0.3          100         26.6        13.6

Petting                   1898       52           7.0          0.4          0.1          100         14.6        2.3

Intercourse           1593       54           17.0        0.8          0.3          100         27.4        15.3

Prostitution           1898       17           3.0          0.2          0.1          40           3.5          0.7

Homosexual          1898       9              7.0          1.0          0.3          95           24.5        9.6

Animals                  1898       1              1.0          0.3          0.1          35           10.1        3.0




[Picture of DVD cover for KINSEY Let’s talk about sex LIAM NEESON LAURA LINNEY]

Released Nov 12, 2004

Starring Liam Neeson as Kinsey



National Health & Social Life Survey


Published: 1994

4369 Americans ages 18-59 were selected

79% responded giving 3432 subjects

the sample closely approximated many known

demographic characteristics of the general US population


consisted of face-to-face interviews done by 220


principal investigators: Edward Laumann, John Gagnon,

Robert Michael, Stuart Michaels


Ethnicity and Sexual Practices       Laumann et. al., 1994

Experience with giving oral sex (%)

WM 81.4               WF 75.3                 AAM 50.5              AAF 34.4                HM 70.7                 HF 59.7

Experience with anal sex

WM 25.8               WF 23.2                 AAM 23.4              AAF 9.6                  HM 34.2                 HF 17.0

No masturbation in last 1 yr.

WM 33.4               WF 55.7                 AAM 60.3              AAF 67.8                HM 33.3                 HF 65.5

q/wk last yr.

WM 28.3               WF 7.3                   AAM 16.9              AAF 10.7                HM 24.4                 HF 4.7


National Survey of Sexual Health and Behavior


Published: 2010

5,865 participants – aged 14 to 94

One finding: many people tend to engage in numerous types

of activities (such as oral sex and coital sex), during a single

sexual encounter.


direct observation

William Masters & Virginia Johnson

1966 Human Sexual Response

laboratory observations of

10,000 completed sexual response cycles

of 382 women

and 312 men


instruments measured

muscular and vascular changes


direct observation more objective

than subjects report of behavior


subjects may be influenced

by the presence of an observer


Human Sexual Response

William H. Masters, MD research director

Virginia E. Johnson research associate

The Reproductive Biology Research Foundation

St. Louis, Missouri (based on 11 years of research)


[picture of book jacket cover]


Human Sexual Inadequacy

William H. Masters, MD director

Virginia E. Johnson assistant director

The Reproductive Biology Research Foundation

St. Louis, Missouri (based on 11 years of clinical work)


[picture of book jacket cover]


William Masters & Virginia Johnson

[picture of the two researchers sitting at a table/desk]


examples of M&J


nulliparous vaginal barrel:

baseline measurements

unstimulated 7-8cm x 2cm

stimulated 9.5x10.5cm x 5.75-6.25cm

[picture illustrating measurements]

nulliparous vaginal barrel:


unstimulated 8-9cm x 3-4cm

stimulated 11-12cm x 6.75-7.25cm

[picture illustrating measurements

Human Sexual Response p. 73 & 74


Human Sexual Response p. 182

[picture illustrating measurement of penis length

In erect and flaccid states]

Figure 12-4

Male pelvis: excitement phase.


greatest observed increase from…7.5cm

…increase in size…just over 9 cm

(7.5 + 9 = 15.5 cm)


smallest increase in size from…under 11 cm

…only 5.5 cm had been added…

(11 + 5.5 = 16.5)


At full plateau-phase erection the two organs

were measured at identical lengths

on three separate occasions.

Human Sexual Response p. 192-193.


forty men whose penises measured 7.5-9 cm…

compared to a similar number

…whose penises…measured 10-11.5 cm

all 80 penises were measured on three different occasions

both in flaccid and erect states…

one of the measurements…during automanipulation

two measurements…immediately upon withdrawal

of the plateau-phase penis from active coition

Human Sexual Response p.191-192.


Human Sexual Response p. 70.

[drawing of vaginal anatomy]

Figure 6-1

Schematic representation of vaginal lubrication.


[photo reproductions of xrays of the female pelvis

with radiopaque substance inserted into vagina]

radiopaque substance was placed in a plastic cap

radiographic plates were taken simultaneously with the orgasmic

experience and after 10 minutes of the resolution phase

In none of the six individuals was there any evidence of the slightest sucking

effect on the media in the artificial seminal pool.

Human Sexual Response p. 122-123.


late excitement phase

EKG (heart rate) 120/min

[picture of EKG tracing]

orgasmic platform muscle contractions

[picture of myograph tracing]

orgasmic phase

(heart rate) 180/min

[picture of EKG tracing]

43 seconds-25contractions

[picture of myograph tracing]

Human Sexual Response p.132


penile strain gauge

[picture of tool shaped like a noose]

vaginal photoplethysmograph

[picture of tool shaped like a tampon)

vaginal & rectal myographs

[pictures of tools shaped like hand weights]

Our Sexuality Textbook 7th edition


[picture of DVD cover for MASTERS OF SEX Season One]

American television drama series on Showtime

Season one premiered September 29 2013 12 episodes

Season two premiered July 13 2014

based on biography by Thomas Maier


[picture of jacket/book cover of FOR WOMEN ONLY]

For Women Only


Jennifer Berman, M.D.


Laura Berman, Ph.D.

psychotherapist, sex educator, and sex therapist

former codirectors of

The Women’s Sexual Health Clinic

at Boston University Medical Center

and now the Center for Pelvic Medicine at UCLA


Masters and Johnson were the first to describe

the physical changes in the vagina during sexual arousal,

which they observed and filmed in volunteers

with a small vaginal probe and a camera attachment.

We have begun where Masters and Johnson left off.

For Women Only

pages xiv-xv


We have adapted

the more sophisticated technology of our day:

pH probes to measure lubrication;

a balloon device to evaluate the ability of the vagina to relax

and dilate;

vibratory and heat and cold sensation measures of the

external and internal genitalia;

and high frequency Doppler imaging, or ultrasound, to

measure blood flow to the vagina and clitoris during


For Women Only page xv


Currently, even more sophisticated instruments are being

developed to evaluate female sexual arousal, response and

function. These include

probes to measure vaginal, clitoral, and nipple sensation,

and computerized equipment to measure vaginal anatomy

and physiology in the office.

MRI, or magnetic resonance imaging, is even being used to

determine what areas of the brain are responsible for arousal

and orgasm.

For Women Only page xv


experimental method

the researcher


the independent variable

the subject behavior

that is observed and recorded

by the researcher

Is the dependent variable


example 1

researchers show subjects


a movie with a nonviolent sexual theme

or a movie with a violent sexual theme

(the independent variable)

several days later subjects

completed questionnaires

assessing their level of acceptance of

sexual violence towards women

(the dependent variable)


example 2

subjects were shown a sexually explicit film with


no alcohol “on board”

or after consuming controlled amounts of alcohol

(the independent variable)

penile strain gauges

measured engorgement

during the observation of the film

(the dependent variable)


evaluating research

researchers: credentials and biases

media: reputable & scholarly?

methods: type(s) of method(s) used

subjects: number

generalizability: how were subjects selected

method: did it bias the findings?

consistency: compare with similar published studies