Conceiving Children: Process and Choice
Suggested links for further exploration of topics related to this chapter
are found below with a brief description of what you can expect to find if you follow each link

Childbirth and Pregnancy
The Stages of Labor -VIDEO
Beautiful, short (2:21 minutes) animation of the stages of labor
The Stages of Labor
The stages of labor are described in detail.

Smoking During Pregnancy (and otherwise)
The effects of smoking during pregnancy
from the March of Dimes website
secondhand smoke and cancer
from the National Cancer Institute website
secondhand smoke
from the Centers of Disease Control and the Surgeon General

Infertility Information and Support
NOVA ONLINE: 18 Ways to Make a Baby
The companion Web Site created to accompany the NOVA broadcast entitled "18 Ways to Make a Baby" first broadcast on October 9, 2001.
The 18 Ways (And Then Some)
A list of more than 18 (30 plus) ways to make a baby with explanations and pictures of a few of the ways.
Fertility Throughout Life
How fertility changes throughout the lifecycle for both male and female.  A brief discussion of fertility at each of the following stages of life: Fetus, Infant, Adolescent, Twenty-something, Thirty-something, Middle-age, and Old Age
A really great collection of informative and useful links on infertility and Assisted Reproduction Technology (also recommends a few books).  Whether you are primarily interested as a student, scientist or a patient you're sure to find something here.
Infertility Information and Support
provided by INCIID - InterNational Council on Infertility Information Dissemination, Inc.
Homepage of RESOLVE
According to the homepage:
The mission of RESOLVE, a nonprofit organization founded in 1974 by Barabara Eck Menning, is to provide timely, compassionate support and information to people who are experiencing infertility and to increase awareness of infertility issues through public education and advocacy.

Infertility Technology
Talking to Children About Assisted Reproductive Technology
A good place to find wonderful audio clips (and written transcripts) of stories and conversations of parents and children who are living with the results of ART.
Quote from website: This website was developed by the Harvard Medical School Center for Mental Health and Media, a division of the psychiatry department at Massachusetts General Hospital, as an educational tool for parents and children who are interested or involved in assisted reproductive technology. Our goal is to provide information, perspective and real-life stories that will encourage conversation and understanding.
MicroSort Commercial Website (for gender selection process)

Gender Selection
Sex selection: Getting the baby you want
by Amanda Mitchison The Guardian, Saturday 3 April 2010
In Britain sex selection is illegal. British couples who feel strongly that they want to have that option and have the money to try to make it happen sometimes come to America to do so. This article talks about why and how people do this.

Youngest Mother
Youngest Mother
The story behind the claim that the youngest mother on record was a five-year-old Peruvian girl.

Spontaneous Abortion
MEDLINE plus: Health Information (Medical Encyclopedia): Abortion - spontaneous.
Gives information about spontaneous abortions (miscarriages) in an expanded-outline-type-format.
Do Abortions Cause Miscarriages Later in Life? website provides information to answer this question.

Elective Abortion
NAF (National Abortion Federation): The Voice of Abortion Providers
Information about abortions.
Abstract of original article entitled:
Early Pregnancy Termination with Mifepristone and Misoprostol in the United States
A report of 2,015 women in the United States who participated in a study of mifeprestone and misoprostol to terminate pregnancy.
Making Your Choice
Information about medical and surgical abortions written for the woman who wants to know more about its use.

Abortion Legislation Proposals
Legislation to ban abortion as soon as fetal heart beat is detected
(about 6 weeks after the last period)
Six-Week Bans
Planned Parenthood provides this information to educate readers about the impact of six-week bans
Heart development
This Wikipedia article gives information about the many stages in the development of the human heart before birth.
Doppler fetal monitor
This Wikipedia article gives information about the use of ultrasound transducers to detect fetal heart beats.

Breast Feeding
Promoting and Supporting Breast-Feeding
Written for the Family Physician.  Contains lots of useful tables of information as well as great information in the main text of this article.  Taken from the American Family Physician April 1, 2000.
About Breast Feeding Your New Baby
Helpful information about breast feeding aimed at the new mother.

Ectopic Pregnancy
Ectopic Pregnancy
American Family Physician February 15 2000
Great review article by Josie L. Tenore, M.D., S.M.

Maternal Deaths
Maternal deaths worldwide drop by third
2010 WHO World Health Organization report